Advanced Drinking Water Treatment
WTRD-024 Advanced Drinking Water Treatment
Hours: 35
Fee: $900
Instruction: Online/Distance
Registration Deadline : June 2, 2025
Course Dates: June 16 - August 30, 2025
Program Description
The Workforce Development Center at Springfield Technical Community College (十大彩票平台) is partnering with the Massachusetts Water Works Association (MWWA) and the Springfield Water & Sewer Commission to offer this unique consortium-based online certificate training.
Using the Blackboard Learning Management System, this 11-week training will include topics that will help prepare students to take the Massachusetts Drinking Water Operator Grades 3 & 4 Advanced Water Treatment license exams. This course is approved by the MA Board of Certification of Drinking Water Operators.
Material covered in this course includes: source water protection and management, hydraulics, water chemistry, regulations, water sampling & analysis, advanced math concepts, overview of various treatment processes, equipment operation & maintenance, safety, and administrative duties.
This is a self-paced course for those needing a flexible study schedule. Students follow a schedule of viewing instructional videos, textbook reading, group discussion topics, and homework assignments. There is an online midterm exam and final exam.
To pass this course, students must achieve a minimum of 70 points which is achieved through: participation in the weekly “Discussion” topics, completion of assigned homework, mid-term exam, and final exam.
Program Details
Students registering for this course must have successfully passed the “Basic Water Treatment” course or currently hold a Grade 2 Water Treatment license.
Fee: $900
Books: $200 plus $20 shipping.
Please note: If you work for a municipal water department and need to pay by purchase order please call the Workforce Development Center at 413-755-4225.
Need help convincing your employer to help cover the cost? Try our Convince Your Boss letter template.
Section D11
Please select course number WTRD-024-D11.
Registration Deadline: June 2, 2025
Dates: June 16 - August 30, 2025
Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volume I, ($100) 7th Edition
Sacramento State University
Water Treatment Plant Operation, Volume II, ($100) 7th Edition
Sacramento State University
Please note that students must have the 7th Edition of both textbooks noted above. Students needing either Volume I or II must purchase the books from the Mass. Water Works Association. Students must purchase the book from Mass. Water Works Association (MWWA) by ordering online, calling 978-263-1388, or emailing Books can be picked up at the MWWA office (693 Mass. Ave., Acton, MA 01720), or shipped to the student for an additional fee of $20. Books will be shipped to the registration address provided unless otherwise requested. Please allow 2 weeks for book delivery.
Refund Policy
Withdraw prior to the start of class* - 100% Refund
No Refunds will be given once class begins
In the absence of a written third party contractual agreement stating otherwise, all refunds will be issued to the student. Credit card payments will be refunded directly to the credit card if processed within thirty days of the payment.
Course Cancellation Policy
The 十大彩票平台 Workforce Training office reserves the right to cancel any course that does not meet minimum enrollment requirements.
Student Handbook Policies
As a participant in this program/course I understand that I am bound by all the rules, regulations, and policies of 十大彩票平台 as outlined in the Springfield Technical Community College Student Handbook.
Disability-Related Accommodations
In compliance with Springfield Technical Community College's policy and equal access laws, disability-related accommodations are available. Students who desire such accommodations should provide documentation of a disability to register with the Office of Disability Services (ODS). Proper registration will enable ODS counselors to verify the disability and determine reasonable academic accommodations
Daniel Laprade has a BS in Civil Engineering from Worcester Polytechnic Institute and has been working in the drinking water field for over 35 years. He has been an instructor in the field for the last 20 years and is a Massachusetts Registered Professional Engineer and holds both Grade 2 Water Treatment and Distribution licenses in Massachusetts.
2024 Student Testimonials
“I enjoyed that the class was self-paced, this worked well with the demands of my full-time job and personal life. I liked that we could submit assignments ahead of time or as needed throughout the semester.”
“I really enjoyed the videos.”
“My favorite part is the help sessions that the instructor offers once per week. The important thing missing from a self-paced course with videos is active conversation between students and the instructor to improve understanding. I appreciate that the instructor is generous enough to give his time to answer questions about the material that we do not yet understand on our own.”
“I liked the various platforms that present material suiting different study techniques for all; being able to take weekly quizzes more than once to boost grades and correct oneself and learn in the process; flexibility to complete assignments with an online course; review of math questions from the previous week help one learn more than one way to solve the problem.”
2022 Student Testimonials
“I liked the information that gave me a better understanding of the water plant I work in. The quizzes were very helpful for testing my understanding of the reading."
“I like the convenience of the online class, enabling the completion of work at a pace suited to my schedule. I also felt that the weekly quizzes were the most helpful in learning material."
“I liked the ability to stop videos and take notes."
“I liked that I could work on this course when I had the time to. It's tough to get through a class while having a full-time job when you are stuck with a set time and/or location."
For questions or interest in our current or future programs, please complete our Workforce Development Program Inquiry Form, and one of our Recruitment and Retention Specialists will contact you promptly. For all other questions, please use the contact below.
The 十大彩票平台 Workforce Development Center
Building 27, Second Floor
- Phone: 413-755-4225
- Email:
Enrollment Process
- Review the Prerequisites/Requirements above.
- Click the Enroll Now button below.
- Click "Select" to the right of the correct course. A window appears.
- Please select course number WTRD-024-D11.
- Click "Add Section to Cart". A success message appears.
- Click "Next". The Register and Pay for Continuing Education Classes page appears.
- Complete the payment and check-out process.
- Enter your personal and credit card information. Your receipt will be immediately emailed to you. If you work for a municipal water department and need to pay by purchase order or need to be invoiced, please call the Workforce Development Center at 413-755-4225 where you will be registered over the phone.
- Upon successful course registration, you will receive a confirmation registration email and a separate ‘Welcome” email from the course instructor that contains important course information. Please be on the lookout for these emails as they may automatically go to your spam or junk folder.